Chemical Make Down and Delivery
Our dry polymer make down systems, both wet and dry, provide accurate and cost effective solutions to treat your water. Our dual mix tank design eliminates a transfer pump and reduces polymer shear. We have 30+ years of operational experience as well as time tested equipment, instrumentation, automation and support. Our ability to automatically adjust treatment based on live data is key in the annual savings of water treatment cost.
To get you started, we provide free sample analysis to estimate usage rates and operational costs for process and storm water. We’ll then work with you to develop a plan, install equipment and customize support to keep your plant running efficiently.
Benefits for you:
- Dry polymer skids are plug and play
- Full onsite training and support
- Up-to-date automation and instrumentation
- Equipment audit and adjustment to help customize for your operation
- Treatability studies for environmental regulation and permitting
- Automated emulsion make-down systems